TVP: Bianca Laporta

I recently met Bianca Laporta at The Lingerie Collective in London. I was walking past her rail and instantly gravitated toward a BEAUTIFUL studded bra (dubbed ‘The Magpie’, anybody who knows me, knows that I am a sucker for a bit of bling, especially studs!)

Even though she is still studying (starting her final year in October), the future is looking bright for Bianca, read on to find out why…

Were you always interested in lingerie design, and what made you get into it?

When i was studying at school Textiles technology was always my favourite subject. In A-Level I first made a dress and when looking at universities I stumbled across the BA Fashion Contour Course at De Montfort, I researched and found that London College of Fashion were introducing this course the year I wished to start university, and from that day on I embraced the idea of specialising in the subject. I love the intricate details and the delicacy involved in designing and creating lingerie that is both comfortable and beautiful.

You are still studying at London College of Fashion, how is this helping you hone your skills?

I decided to study at London College of Fashion because of its prestigious facilities and impact in the industry. The facilities of numerous sewing machines, specialist machines and great technical technicians have made the whole experience even better. In first and second year we made a wide range of lingerie pieces to help develop our shapes and designs. Specialist machines have encouraged me to take my design work further with the use of laser cutting and heat weld taping, these facilities ensure that we can answer industry briefs and create something truly sensational.

What is currently your biggest inspiration from a design point of view?

When I’m designing whether it be industry project or personal design work I always look to the female form. I find the female silhouette very powerful and designing with the purpose to encourage confidence and power in women when wearing my pieces is my beginning inspiration. My current pieces are quite feminine and figure hugging in neutral muted colour palettes. This could be described as my handwriting for my own design work.

You were recently chosen to exhibit at The Lingerie Collective, please tell us about the experience…

I saw the competition on the Lingerie Insight website and thought, ‘Amazing I want this’! While on placement at Alöe in January I attended the Salon de Lingerie in Paris. Assisting on the stand and communicating with buyers there was great, so when I saw the Lingerie Collective competition I though this opportunity is fabulous and will be great exposure for me. I was elated when I found out I was a top ten finalist, immediately I told everyone to get voting. It was a wonderful achievement finding out I was a joint winner and would be showcasing. On the first day of The Lingerie Collective I met Christina Wan, the other winner and instantly we got on. It was a pleasure to share this experience with her. Many of the buyers/press thought we were one brand as our collections sat so well together. The response my collection I showcased received was phenomenal with great feedback for my university pieces and also my own personal designs. I look forward to taking all of this experience into my final year.

Do you have any advice for anyone interested in learning lingerie design?

My advice to anyone wanting develop knowledge in lingerie design is to really research all the different avenues, like short courses, universities and internships. All give you vital experience and look great on your cv. Its good to be able to offer the whole package. Its good to start sketching and making pieces to get a good idea of what lingerie design and making encompasses, it will also give you a positive head start for university or skills within a company others may not have.

What are your plans for post college life and the future of your career?

After a whirlwind year in industry with great exposure of my work, I hope to initially start out working in sourcing/manufacture/buying interacting with large companies, whilst doing some freelance design work. I feel the best way forward is to get a good grounding in the industry and work my way up working for a range of high street to luxury brands. I enjoy designing both for high street and premium luxury, as I do not let price limit my creativity. In the long run my future goal is to own my own small boutique selling my own branded lingerie and others, such as Elle McPherson and Stella McCartney as well as small bits of womenswear and accessories.

What is your top romantic tip?

Its always nice to indulge in new lingerie. Surprising your partner with your newest purchase of lingerie is both romantic and exciting for both.

Ballet Russe Bodysuit - Industry project with English National Ballet

Please contact Bianca via Facebook  or email –

About TamarKendall

Editor of and stylist of intimates

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